Welcome to RockIslandLine.org
Historical Information about the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad

Also includes information about the Muscatine North & South Railroad
Welcome to RockIslandLine.org
CEO's Personal Page
Me & Rock Island Rocket (E-8) #652, taken at Baldwin City, KS.
I am originally from Muscatine, Iowa. That is approximately 18 miles down-
river from Rock Island, IL. Thus my interest in the Rock Island Railroad.
The picture above was taken at the Midland Railway in Baldwin City, KS.
They have restored E-8 #652, and have done a wonderful job. They have
regularly scheduled excursions, and are currently working on the
restoration of an E-6 #630 to run with #652 for dinner excursions. I highly
recommend taking this in if you have a chance. I attended my first
excursion during Railfan Weekend and the engineer gave us numerous
run-bys for photographing. So, take your cameras and video equipment.
You will not be disappointed!
Besides model railroading of the Rock Island I also enjoy motorcycling.
I ride a custom 2001 Yamaha Roadstar that has many modifications.
My favorite place to ride is in the Ozarks of S.E. Missouri
and one day hope to be closer to it.
I now own River City Power Wash and River City Promotions
And have a background as a recording engineer for Brick Barn Recording Studio
and Alley Cat Productions... as well as... a Production Manager/Copywriter/Announcer
for KOEZ / KJRG Radio.

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Muscatine N&S RR
Iowa Missouri Kansas